DANAOS ERP: How Operational Cohesivenenes Lead to Efficiency

3 min readSep 2, 2023


Every business has PROCESSES that generate DATA.

  • Data is Generated during human interactions, transactions, and corporate process execution.
  • Data is Collected from outside data sources( e.g. IoT Sensors) to supplement and complement processes.
  • Data is Acquired via integration and interfacing of the central system with other internal or external systems.

Every business has USERS that interact with DATA.

  • Intranet users, or Esoteric users, are mainly company employees with advanced permissions and rights to all/several functions of the Enterprise Corporate System based on their role.
  • Extranet users, or Exoteric users, mainly 3rd party companies (such as: Vendors, Suppliers, Partners, Agents, Subcontractors) that interact with the Enterprise Corporate System with elevated privileges but much less than the Intranet users
  • General users: Users that have controlled — limited access, usually only viewing rights, to general corporate data (e.g. Website visitors), and can not transact with the Enterprise Corporate System

Every business has DATA that transforms into INFO.

  1. Data consolidation is aggregating, homogeneity, and storing varied data in a single place. The Single Source of Truth, sort to speak.
  2. Data processing is the translation/transformation of data into usable and meaningful information aligned with the business logic (the data processing mechanisms) of the Enterprise Corporate System
  3. Data Output is the visual—graphical management and representation of the transformed data (info) into insights to improve business decisions.

In order to successfully address the aforementioned and achieve business process management orchestration, an ERP system needs to be Industry-specific. To speak the language of the Industry

DANAOS ERP is designed and developed for Operational Cohesivenenes based on an exclusive Industry-Specific Business Logic of:

  • Maritime
  • Construction
  • Marine Engineering
  • Shipbuilding and
  • Offshore Operations.

The organizational structure of DANAOS ERP scaffolding consists of the following Business Objects:

  1. Users Management
  2. Vessel Specifics
  3. Multi-company, Multi-project, Multi-site structure
  4. Workflow and Process Management
  5. Business Logic — Industry logic
  6. Reporting and Analytics

Tweaking and configuring the above based on each Client’s requirements and launching a system of rules on how these business objects work with one another drastically accelerates the ERP implementation by shortening the Time-to-Market and achieves operational cohesiveness and efficiency by bringing USERS-PROCESS-DATA together, securely.

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The award-winning MartTech and ConTech software provider for Maritime and Construction companies. The developer of DANAOS Enterprise Suite and ProjectVIEW ERP